The shame was on shine
Makkers, lees hier op LinkedIn de meest recente versie van mijn wild geraas.
Doe het alleen als je écht wilt weten wat ik denk.
& let op, het is Engels en niet voor de poes.
Please be kind.
- - - earlier version:
Walk a mile in my shoes.
What IS it like to be a pale male, athletic, clever, kind, handsome(what), cursed with a sense of humor.
… without ANY excuse NOT to succeed?
And don’t try to find excuses.
There are none.
I want none.
But this loving emptiness is scary as hell.
Nowhere to run.
And I know I am not a man alone with (t)his feeling of despair.
So give us a break, BEFORE we break.
Who else can we turn to?
And here's another 'secret' about a man that nobody seems to know.
We are not kidding when we are.
Nothing is funnier than the truth.
Vagina's zien er niet uit.
Ze zijn visueel vies.
Alleen piemels zijn nóg viezer.
Ik vermoed, vanwege de zelfspot.
[ Hier alsjeblieft geen foto plaatsen over dit onderwerp ]
Now run thát through Google Translate.
Men can't hide our love.
It's impossible.
And that is a problem when women poke fun at us for what we can't help.
We can't help it.
"O, is that your gun, or are you just happy to see me."
Zucht. ( means: ‘suck it’ )
Yes, it is hard to take men seriously, because we can be so damned funny.
I hate to say this, because this is not a funny sentence.
Or easy to understand.
But someone wants me to spell it out for them.
To take myself and hopefully other men out from under the spell.
The spell.
So, when we REALLY allow honest men to start creating from their hearts...
... be careful what you wish for.
I finally found the words.
Dicks don't lie.
Voel je geroepen,
PSI Ik schreef dit artikel in Zeist, een plaatsje ten zuiden van Oslo, Noorwegen.
PSIII Heb jij je al ingeschreven voor de Bullshit Bootcamp ?
PSIV Hé, waar is PSII gebleven?
PSV - AJAX 1 - 81
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PSVI Click here and share the updated LinkedIn version of this peace*
=> *p(h)un indented.
“Geld stinkt niet. Geld speelt geen drol.”
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Miro’s blog
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