Imagine a campaign for a beer brand.
An outdoor canal side bar & restaurant, in a city like Amsterdam.
A visitor sees a tough looking guy litter on the street, he boldly steps up to him and asks him to pick up his trash.
Another visitor hears a splash from the canal, a scream, in her face we see slight hesitation, followed by quick resolve and then she jumps in.
A street performer asks a visitor to join him in his awkward performance, the visitor looks sideways to his friends, then gets up and joins the act, uninhibited, he goes all-in, gives his 100%, looking like an idiot.
Zoom to his beer bottle with its brand name & logo.
Heineken 0.0%
Dutch Courage
_ _ _
Now imagine a campaign for a sports brand.
We see a woman tying her running shoe laces, we hear her thoughts:
"Wouldn't it be nice if world peace happens during MY lifetime?"
We see a man zipping his training jacket, thinking:
“What if my solution for world peace DOES work?”
We see a lady in running gear, starting her morning run, thinking:
“What if EVERYONE on Earth thought world peace IS possible?”
We zoom out and see dozens of people running in different local situations across the globe and we hear their world peace related thoughts.
Thoughts, ideas on
World Peace?
Run with it.
_ _ _
There’s more where that came from.
Like my idea for a campaign against drinking alone.
We include house plants as valid company.
Or ‘angels in the skies’ – Say: ‘angels in disguise’.
I am talking KLM stewards, passengers & pilots.
And a campaign that should now speak for itself:
“It’s the language, stupid.”
_ _ _
So, what is YOUR idea for World Peace?
By definition, EVERYBODY gets what they want, so include yourself and all you want in whatever you imagine World Peace to be.
Think about what you REALLY want.
Even if nobody agrees.
ESPECIALLY if nobody can see your ‘crazy’ solution.
You created it, first.
Johan knows how this works.
“Je bent net zo lang gestoord tot je een genie bent.”
Say my interpretation of Johan’s words out loud on the train:
“Don’t be afraid to look like an idiot.”
Now, thát’s Dutch courage.
_ _ _
So, I ask you again.
YOUR idea on World Peace?
Run with it.
Drink with it.
Breathe with it, shower with it, sleep with it, eat with it, walk with it, make love with it, sail with it, ride with it, swim with it, feel with it, make a Whole with it…
… you know the drill.
In Vredesnaam - - -
(For Pete’s sake・For Peace sake)
Voel je geroepen,
(To your vocation,)
Miro Peters
If it doesn’t feel like vacation, it is not your vocation.
I wrote this peace in Zeist, a town northeast of Maastricht, The Netherlands.
In Maastricht, ‘poen’ means ‘kiss’.
In Dutch, ‘poen’ means ‘money’.
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth(peace) Is.
What happened to PSII?
Watch me review this blog during PeJoF Q&A 171
Spread the URL of this story for (y)our glory =>