Copywriter des Vaderlands

Miro's blog

Blog van ‘s werelds beste Nederlandse copywriter



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This is awkward.

Me, Miro voicing a message for America.

For the USA cut, go to


But really, this is a message for all nations.
We are all natives of the best country in the world.

I have 7.7 billion reasons NOT to post this video.
The only reason I do, is my heart tells me so.

SHAME once ruled my life.
Public speaking was my biggest nightmare.
Without faith, I once fainted in front of my class.

My act now, is the opposite of my biggest fear.

A voice in my head whispers a word of peace
for a world of peace.


My plea for peace
is really
a call to see
the unison of opposites.

Take shame and play a little game.
Only if you wish to see.
I see the ‘m’ in shame as two opposing r’s.
Take the opposing r out.
You are left with share.

Now let’s play a bigger game.
Make your opposing r a capital R.
Oppose it with another R.
What do you see?

A heart?
Two people holding hands?
An ice cream cone?

Good things come from uniting opposites.

For those who wish to see.

Yang | Yin
Light | Dark
Good | Bad
Frank Sinatra | Miro Peters

There has always been only ONE of us.

We R US.


What if young Sinatra was shamed for singing?

Shame is the fear of being seen as your true self.
You can trust me on this.

It’s up to US to create a space for peace.

Do we shame or do we share?

Let’s go to the people in power.
The power is in U.
U is shaped like a magnet.
Make peace with the opposite poles in yourself.
Act accordingly.
Attract accordingly.

Does it help to know that I am scared shitless for sharing my video?


Here is the BEST news you are going to hear today.

You can keep your ego.
I see no harm.

But the Nobel Peace Prize…
… is mine!

Don’t deny what your heart really wants.
Denying reality is the cause of all problems.

Feel free to want.
Whether you think you have it, or not.

Feel free to see a new reality.
And act accordingly.

What is meant to be is meant to be.

Like awkward is an awkward word.

To your calling,


Pleace, SHARE


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In VREDEsnaam.

Voel je geroepen,


PSI De link voor het delen van dit artikel via een kanaal naar keuze is

PSIII Ik schreef dit artikel in Zeist, een plaatsje ten westen van Philadelphia.

PSIV Waar is PSII gebleven?

PSV – Ajax  0 – 94 (over de uitslag wordt niet gecorrespondeerd)

PSVI Overigens ben ik van mening dat Koningsdag Oranjedag moet worden.